5 Tips to Quickly Burn and Lose Belly Fat Once and for All

How many of us are actually happy with how our stomachs look? Not much I guess. Who does not want a prettier or tighter stomach? A taut belly with visible abs has always been an icon of a healthy and attractive body.

How to Gain Weight Fast in a Month

In 2007, Colorado was the only state that had an obesity rate of less than 20 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This indicates that there is no shortage of overweight people in the United States. But some people really want to gain weight - in the world of fitness enthusiasts, they are known as "hard gainers".

Smart Weight Loss, Health and Fitness Guide

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Smart Weight Loss, Health and Fitness Guide

Welcome to Smart Weight Loss, Health and Fitness Guide...

Smart Weight Loss, Health and Fitness Guide

Welcome to Smart Weight Loss, Health and Fitness Guide....

Smart Weight Loss, Health and Fitness Guide

Welcome to Smart Weight Loss, Health and Fitness Guide.....

How Many Meals Should I Eat A Day To Lose Weight?

No matter how many meals you eat each day, until you eat the right amount of calories to lose weight and having proper dieting plan (inclusive of exercise of course!), nothing may change. But you should seriously consider eating four to six meals daily as you cannot control your hunger or cravings. Eating smaller meals throughout the day keeps blood sugar stable to avoid becoming too hungry and as you already know, if you do you tend to overeat and gain weight and appetite too.

How Many Meals Should I Eat A Day To Lose Weight?

If you have diabetes, your doctor may recommend eating four-to-six small meals a day but on the other hand eating four-to-six small meals per day may not be realistic for you if you have a job, children, school, or what your current situation is therefore in this case 3 larger or maybe even two larger meals will be best for you, but only if you don’t wait to be hungry first before eating and also if you are asked to eat less than 1500 calories per day to lose weight.

No matter how much weight you want to lose, whether you try to lose 5 kg or 50 kg, the road is exactly the same.

Remember the simple weight loss mantra: “Calories in less than Calories out.”

In other words, the number of calories you eat should be less than calories burned in order for you to lose weight.

How many "calories" do you need to lose weight?

One of the first questions that people are starting to ask at weight loss journey is what exactly should I eat a day to lose weight?

Health Experts recommend that women eat 1200 calories per day and men eat 1800 a day when you're trying to lose weight.

For women, this means three meals with a total of 300 calories and 300 calories of snacks during the day, while the men's meals can be 450 calories each, with snacks that adds up to 450 in total.

Eating 3+ meals a day with less than 300 calories cannot be enough, so two-to-four larger meals might be best for you.

Even if you feel more motivated and want to accelerate weight loss, do not be tempted to eat less than the recommended amount of calories per day.

If you go too low, your body might think you are trying to starve and that could keep fat stored as energy, which actually slow your weight loss efforts.

Even if you have some healthy eating habits developed and healthy cooking recipes, make sure you do not over-eat.

All those extra calories can make a big difference when you're trying to lose weight.

Keep in mind that if you are trying to lose weight, your calories need decrease.

Think of your body as a truck: the heavier the load, the more fuel it needs - but how do their deliveries and the load decreases, the amount of fuel needed.

This means that when you get lighter, you feel more satisfied with less food and fewer calories.

There is no perfect universally accepted number of meals you need to eat each day to lose weight. So in practice eat several meals a day that works best for you.

You can even take a couple of days where you only eat two-to-three meals (such as weekdays) and other days you eat more than three meals (such as on your days off or weekends), but the main point is for you to eat the right amount of calories per day to lose weight - No matter how many meals you eat every day.

You can count your calories with a calorie calculator. If you choose to count calories on your own, keeping a food diary is a must.

How Many Meals Should I Eat A Day To Lose Weight?

How Many "Calories Out" do You Need to Lose Weight?

Now for the second part of the equation: which are calories out.

In other words, for this to happen, you need to burn calories through exercise. Aim for four or five times a week exercise where you burn 400-800 calories (or 600-1000 calories if you weigh more than 100 kg) and a Saturday workout to burn 1000 calories (or more if you weigh more than 100 kg). Do not be afraid of burning even more.

The most important for both men and women is to make every workout you give 100 percent best effort and walk away when you feel you have emptied the tank.

The harder you work, the more calories you burn and the faster it will melt away fat. So forget all those excuses and push your calorie burning to the extreme!

How Long do You Have to Lose Weight?

The rate at which you lose weight will depend on a number of factors, including age, gender, height, current weight, percentage of muscle mass, the current level of fitness, the amount and type of exercise you do, the intensity at which you exercise and much more.

But, as a general rule, you can expect to lose 0.5 kg to 1.5 kg per week, if you weigh less than 100 kg; 1.5 kg to 3 kg per week if you weigh between 100kg and 129kg; and 1.5 kg to 5 kg per week if you weigh more than 130 kg.

It is noteworthy that weight loss at moderate pace means you're more likely to stay off than when you're trying to lose quickly on a very low calorie diet that drastically reduces your calorie intake at a drastically low level.

Here are three scientific studies that support this...

1. In an Australian study - 179 men and overweight women ate the same amount of calories per day, but some of them ate three meals a day, while others ate more than three times a day, and accordingly there was no difference in the amount of weight lost between those who ate only three times a day and those who ate more than three times a day, according to the researcher Michelle Palmer, a dietician at the University of Newcastle ... "There seems to be little benefit to the frequency or regularity you eat when you are trying to lose weight, we found that it's not when you eat that matters, but what and how much you eat."

2. In another study, they examined the difference between the metabolism in people with one or five meals a day (who ate the same amount of calories) and found no differences.

Looking at the study meal frequency and energy, it shows that no matter how many meals you eat each day, as long as you eat the right amount of calories you’ll lose weight.

Calories and Weight Loss Plateau

You might find that you have hit a plateau in weight loss, but do not let that put you off.
It's just because you are burning calories through exercise, now try to balance the calories you consume.

In this case, you do exercise mix, increasing the intensity of your cardio or increasing the weight or the number of repetitions in each exercise you do.

You will find that your calorie consumption is increasing, but whatever you do, stick to your 1200-calorie per day eating plan (or 1800 calories for men) while you wait to start losing weight again.

In the end, your commitment and perseverance will pay off when you reach your target weight and you can finally look in the mirror and be proud of the person who is looking back at you.

Do not give up!

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How to Gain Weight Fast in a Month

In 2007, Colorado was the only state that had an obesity rate of less than 20 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This indicates that there is no shortage of overweight people in the United States. But some people really want to gain weight - in the world of fitness enthusiasts, they are known as "hard gainers". If you're one of the few who are trying to gain weight, especially in a month, you're going to have to make a special effort.

How to gain weight fast in one month


Keep a Food Log: The first thing you need to do is a food journal. This may be a small, pocket-sized notepad or a one-subject composition notebook. It does not have to be fancy. Note the current daily intake of food and beverages. Follow everything has calories. This will give you an idea of ​​your current caloric intake.

Eat several meals: Eat Six to Eight times during the day. Start the day with a meal, and then eat every two to three hours for the rest of the day, until you go to bed. This will allow you to fit more calories in your day without feeling bloated.

Add Calories to your Meals: Now that you know what your daily calories should be and you eat six to eight meals a day, it's time to add some calories to those meals. You can do this by adding pieces of fruit, nuts, seeds or juice, or by simply increasing the size of the portions of the meals.

How to gain weight fast in one month

Eat foods that are Nutritious, High Calorie-dense and Healthy: The main objective is to eat foods that are clean. Eating a lot of fat, unhealthy foods will cause you to gain weight in an unhealthy manner while you are predisposing risk factors. Eat foods such as avocados, nuts, pasta, lean meat, fish, dairy products, fruit, vegetables and pasta.

Incorporate Smoothies in your Eating Plan: Smoothies can be made with healthy ingredients, and they can be adapted calories. They are also a quick and easy meal to make and to take on the road. Here's an example: Put 16 grams of chocolate soy milk in a blender. Add a banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter and a scoop of protein powder. This weighs about 620 calories.

Do Strength Training: To get effective weight in a month, do some strength training. More specifically, doing complex exercises that use a large amount of muscle fibers. Exercises include bench press, squats, military press and dead lifts. Perform high sets of heavy weights with low repetitions and long rest periods. An example would be 10 sets of three reps with two to four minutes of rest.

Reduce long periods of Aerobic Exercise: If you are doing a lot of aerobic exercise, such as running or cycling, it will be very difficult to gain weight because you consume as much as you'll burn - or more. Cut keep the cardio out of the equation entirely or just a low intensity, such as walking.

Seven Healthy Snacks for Weight Gain
If you are trying to gain weight, eating healthy snacks is one of the best ways to do this. To ensure you get that much needed extra pounds you should choose food with lots of calories, carbohydrates, protein and healthy unsaturated fats.

In your daily calorie counts, it is important that you consume more calories than is recommended for your height, weight etc. Unless there are underlying problems, most people will quickly notice when they start gaining that extra pound.
To give you an idea of what I’m talking about when I talk about good and healthy snacks for weight gain, below are seven snack ideas that you can consider:

Nuts and Seeds
Nuts are good muscle building snacks. These are full of monounsaturated fatty acids and often also contain a healthy amount of protein and calories. For easy weight gain, it is contained in many different products like peanut butter to try for a tasty calorie treat. Remember also Macadamia Nuts is the highest in calories, Pecans, Pine Nuts , Desiccated Coconut, Brazil Nuts, Walnuts, Hazelnuts/Filberts, Peanuts & Sunflower Seeds, Linseed, Almonds, Cashew Nuts, Pumpkin & Squash Seeds, Pistachio Nuts, Watermelon Seeds, Flaxseeds, and Chia Seeds and other nuts and seeds are rich in calories.

Tuna has long been a favorite of people who love fitness. Although there are some people who think that tuna is perfect in weight loss (due to the low fat content of the fish). This is true because this fish is packed with protein and healthy calories; so also it's a perfect snack for those who need to gain weight.

Full Fat Dairy
Stay away from fat dairy products, but rather go for whole milk and full cream. They both contain a lot of protein and fat that cause people to gain weight quickly. Feel free to choose fat cheese, such as Swiss Cheese or Cheddar Cheese and use them in snacks and sandwiches. Do not forget to add yogurt to your diet plan, because it also contains enough good calories.
Of course, do not take fat dairy products if you have high cholesterol levels!

Crackers and bagels
You do not have to choose white bread if you must gain weight. Crackers and bagels made from whole grains, bran and sesame may well help to give you that extra weight gain quickly. Use a rich amount of peanut butter, jam or honey to get more calories and protein intake.

Breakfast cereals
You probably are surprised when you hear that breakfast cereal does indeed contain some healthy calories. Health-conscious people always opt for cereals in their diet, but cereals also acts as good snacks for those who want to gain weight.
If you need to gain weight in a responsible way, choose the healthier breakfast cereals; do not choose products with a lot of sugar. Go for a healthy combination of muesli and oat. Add some raisins and fresh or dried fruits, and add some whole milk. Then you have a healthy, high-calorie snack.

Fruit and Vegetables
While snacking on fruit and eating salads is often used for people who wants to lose weight, those who try to gain weight shouldn’t ignore these products. There are plenty of examples that contain enough vitamins, minerals and healthy sugars so that you can gain a few healthy pounds.

Snacking on dried fruit is also a good idea, so products like prunes, raisins, etc. cannot be ignored.

As far as gaining weight, you are wasting time on low-fat foods such as yogurt, crackers and cheese. This is a time when you actually want to get more calories. Just make sure not too much saturated fat to eat.

Thanks for reading, leave your comments and remember there's LOVE in SHARING!

5 Tips to Quickly Burn and Lose Belly Fat Once and for All

How many of us are actually happy with how our stomachs look? Not much I guess. Who does not want a prettier or tighter stomach? A taut belly with visible abs has always been an icon of a healthy and attractive body. Every year there are many new diets in the market and the truth is that only 1 in 100 has been successful in permanently losing the excess weight. In addition, you certainly have a variety of devices and methods that promise abs.

The purpose to lose weight and burn belly fat is certainly a good goal, especially because a reduction in abdominal fat ensures a better health. In this article I want to give you some steps to get rid of excess fat around the abdomen.

For years it was thought that tight abs is only reserved for those with good genes or people who spend long hours in the gym. I know myself how long it took to get visible abs. I was always quite fit, but visible abs I could not seem to get. I was doing hundreds of sit-ups a day and paid close attention to my diet, but still no visible abs. Fortunately, it does not have to be and you'll soon find with some new proven techniques how to burn your belly fat and even develop visible abs. It's more than just a calorie restrictive diet, a low-fat diet or thousands of sit-ups. But before I'm going to give some tips to put even the right steps today, first I want to go over the risks of too much belly fat.

The Danger of Abdominal Fat
An indicator for diseases view is that excessive abdominal fat is linked with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain cancers. Therefore you could say that the circumference of your belly is a great indicator of your overall health. If the circumference is out of proportion, this means you run an increased risk of a variety of ailments.

One comment I would make is that even thin people can have too much belly fat. Excess fat can be deep inside the abdomen, so it is not visible at first. When you have too much belly fat, your character looks like a pear shape. The major problem with this is that the fat in the abdomen can be converted much faster in the fatty acids which then end up in the liver and muscles. When this fatty acid in the liver reaches and interact the production of LDL cholesterol (bad) is increased and the so-called triglycerides increases also.

Then it’s harder for your body to control blood sugar which eventually insulin resistance may occur. This can eventually lead to various disorders and it is also called a metabolic syndrome in such cases as (you have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and increased risk of cardiovascular disease).

Finally, there are also studies which show that abdominal fat can cause libido problems, or even erectile dysfunction! Getting rid of excess belly fat not only increases your attractiveness but more importantly, it improves your health!

Man versus Woman 
It is a fact that men are more prone to store fat around the abdomen than women. This process is done at a young age and in practice is clearly visible by the so-called typical "beer bellies". This can also be one of the reasons why cardiovascular disease is generally more common in men than women and that women are generally a few years older when a woman's excess fat is stored around the hips and thighs. These places are not immediately linked to long-term serious illnesses. However, after the menopause, it seems to be that there is more even in female fat stored in the abdomen. In short, too much belly fat is a serious indicator that you run an increased risk of all kinds of complaints. But what can you do?

Useful tips to lose belly fat for good: 

Slim and Healthy Eating
First the good news: Because it is relatively easy to get a belly fat, it is also relatively easy to get rid of it. The first step is definitely your diet. When you eat a lot of processed foods rich in sugars, it is impossible to get tight abs. Too much belly fat is primarily the result of a number of unhealthy habits around eating and drinking. Therefore, you will first need to lose weight, which is fortunately not as difficult as you think. That said, most diets are designed to lose weight by reducing the calorie intake or burn more calories. This result in weight loss by a reduction of moisture in the body, but this doesn’t imply less belly fat. In order to counteract this it is obviously important to eat less calories, but also the proper amount and sources that increase metabolism.

In my view a successful diet contains the following:
• You're not always on the road or paying too much attention to the portions of food intake
• You’re not counting calories and having a very extensive schedules
• You’re not hungry all the time
• You’re not getting tired by restricting calories

The truth is that we're all busy and do not have time to get going on a strict diet. Therefore, we should have a well-fitted dieting schedule that does not affect our busy lifestyles and also easier to follow. It does not matter how good a diet is, if you do not follow the advice, it has no value. My own guideline is very simple: The things to eat are those things that are good for me and leave out those that are bad for me. You do not need to follow elaborate recipes, but a list of healthy foods. You will get enough micro and macro-nutrients which would make you generally feel much healthier. There's nothing to measure when you have a healthy diet!

We have also compiled a FREE Weight Loss Report for you to download

Regularity for stable blood sugar
A fluctuating blood sugar is always as a result of wrong food choices. This could be from you skipping your breakfast, or because you have not eaten for a long time. It is important to eat healthily and proactively so you get more energy, which brings the need for exercise which resultantly reduces abdominal fat. Therefore, a slimming diet for many people is not the solution!

You need to have at least Eight Hours of Sleep 
You would not think it at first, but getting enough sleep is an essential step to not only lose weight, but also to get rid of excess belly fat. When you work through long or longer hours, then the chances are much greater for an unhealthy snack such as a bag of chips. Additionally, if you do not get enough sleep you feel tired and your body produces more Ghrelin which is a hormone that increases appetite, and also plays a role in body weight, this increases the pressure for sugars. This in turn has an impact on your level of Cortisol (stress hormone), making you more sensitive to sugars, a vicious circle which you can break if you get some sleep for at least 7-8 hours. Possibly put an alarm clock when it's bedtime!

Sugar is your Enemy 
Excess consumption of sugars is stored in fat and will be transported to the abdomen. Losing belly fats or even getting tighter abs is largely dependent on your diet. When your fat percentage above 10% you will have no visible abs. However, if you want to lose belly fat be clear what your goal is and remember that sugar is your number one enemy. These refined sugars are virtually in all processed foods in the supermarket.

Cardio and Strength Training for maximum results 
It makes no sense to do thousands of sit-ups. Obviously, these exercises definitely help in the development of abdominal muscles. But when there is a consistent fat you will not have visible abs. In addition, you will also have to increase the intensity. I always did a lot of abdominal exercises, so over time it became a lot easier. Therefore, it is often better to start by having fewer sit-ups daily until you start seeing visible abs. My favorite exercise is the '' Push-ups ''. Also, doing Cardio a few times in a week is great for losing abdominal fat. The idea is that your heart rate goes up helping you sweat and burn fat which will ultimately result in less abdominal fat.

It is possible! 
It is absolutely possible to lose belly fat. Because you focus more on an overall healthy lifestyle which is leaves you with a flat stomach. Do you want visible abs? Then combine a healthy diet with plenty of cardio and abdominal exercises correctly. Remember that a flat stomach is not only attractive, but more importantly, much healthier for your body!

Do you have more tips to burn belly fat? Let me know by leaving a comment below! 
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